Twitter Bulk Delete

Bulk tweet deletions are done from the browser on the computer. In order to delete your tweets within a certain time period or all your tweets, you must first log in to the site. Then you can select the time range from the advanced options.

  • Login to Twitter from the browser you are using.
  • Open link.
  • Go to the advanced search section and type your username and the range of tweets you want to delete.
  • Press the call button and wait.
  • In the tab that opens, enter the 'Latest' section.
  • All tweets on the dates you set will appear on the screen.
  • Enter the 'Web Console' section of your browser. Every browser is different too.
  • In the Web Console section that opens, we click on the link in the 'Tweet Delete Code' section, paste the text, and then press Enter.
  • Thanks to the code you write in Web Console, all tweets on the page are deleted with their software.
  • After all the processes are completed, the mass deletion of tweets from the computer is completed.

If you prefer it instead of a collective tweet deletion code, mass tweet deletion is also done by 3rd party software applications.

What are the Most Preferred Bulk Tweet Deletion Applications?


  • Tweet Deleter; offers its users a very easy to use template. There are options such as automatic deletion, tweet archive and full deletion within the application. The application gradually deletes tweets without exceeding the daily limit. In this way, tweets are deleted without any problems. It is a paid application. It provides its customers not only tweet deletion but also archive keeping and automatic deletion services.
  • Tweet Delete; It is a free application. It is highly preferred due to alternative features and being free.
  • Tweet Eraser; It offers its users the opportunity to experience both paid and free. The free version is easily used for tweet deletion.
  • Tweet Deleter

Since the contents of the tweets you have written before bother you, you can easily clean all your tweets with mass tweet deletion. in your career life